The Heathen's Gate in Petronell-Carnuntum

Heathen's Gate

The major landmark of Carnuntum today was originally a triumphal arch in front of the civilian city walls.

Located about 900 meters to the south of Carnuntum’s civilian city, the Heathen’s Gate was presumably erected during the reign of Emperor Constantius II (351–361 AD). The Heathen’s Gate was once a quadrifrons, a type of ancient Roman monument of cubic shape held up by four piers with an archway on each of the four sides. Each side of the cube measured 14.5 meters. The massive plinth in the middle of the structure blocking the passageways indicates that it was a triumphal monument. . A larger-than-life statue of the emperor probably stood on the plinth, which is about 4.3 meters high.

Free admission

Columns and wall remains of the amphitheater of the military city

Amphitheatre in the Military City

The amphitheater was built of stone in the 2nd century AD, complete with tiered seating that accommodated crowds of up to 8,000 people. Given its location right by the legionary fortress, it was certainly also used for drills and riding exercises.

ATTENTION: A visit to the amphitheater of the military city may not be possible due to maintenance work!

Military City's Amphitheatre
Wiener Straße 52 
2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg 


Amphitheatre in the Civilian City

Preserved foundation walls of the amphitheater of the civil city

The amphitheater in the civilian city was situated outside the ancient city walls and was built at the end of the 2nd century AD. On either side of the gates, the arena was surrounded by tiered seating that accommodated about 13,000 spectators. The amphitheater in the civilian city is about a ten-minute walk from the Roman city quarter.

Free admission

ATTENTION: For safety reasons, it is forbidden to walk on the remains of the walls!

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